The PINK Commander!!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

We've Lost

Sometimes I can't look into your eyes when we're talking because I know that I will cry. Daddyman lost someone he knew last week. I'm really worried about how this will affect him. I also find myself thinking about this man's wife a lot. I just cannot imagine the pain she must be feeling. I would like so much to comfort her. I cannot believe there is anything I or anyone else can do to make her feel better. The funeral is Sunday and I can't decide whether or not to go. Selfishly, I do not want to go. It will be too painful and scarry and real. Part of me does want to go because I think it is SO important that she sees the community supporting him. I'm not sure what to do.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My funny kids...

If you know me, you know that I am fairly health conscious. As you might imagine, this has rubbed off on my kids a little bit. When I got back from Hawaii I asked them if they ate healthy food while I was gone. They looked at each other. Little Boy said they did eat healthy about half the time. Little Girl said, "Yeah, it was a patter-in (pattern)." Little Boy said, "It was like A B A B A B. B was healthy." Little Girl agreed. Hilarious. I felt like they must have talked about it before because they were totally on the same wavelength.

Last night I had a hard time with Little Girl. She didn't want to go to bed, as usual. So I went to her room to bundle her, again, and I told her how important it is that she obeys me and listens right away every time. She grins really big and says, "Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." I didn't know whether to kiss her or strangle her. Frustrating and funny.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Thursday Morning

I just got a call form the US Army, they wanted to know if I want to join!!! I really can't say anything else about that.