It pours!
We got hit by a drink driver Saturday night. We are all fine, just some bumps, bruises and scrapes.
We had an exciting night in the emergency room and have felt pretty shitty ever since, but really, we're altogether okay.
Here's the rest of the story.
I'm traveling west toward my house and I see a vehicle about to turn right (it is facing north), except it doesn't turn right. It goes straight, straight into my driver's side quarter panel. The airbags deployed and everything smelled like smoke. I thought the car must have been on fire. I jumped across to the passenger's seat and out the door. I opened Little Boy's door and asked him where he hurt. He said his tummy so I unbuckled him and looked him over. He seemed okay and I decided to go ahead and get them out of the car because it still smelled like it was burning. I asked Little Girl where she hurt while I unbuckled and moved her. She was just crying and saying she was sorry! I was still pretty shaken and all I could do is tell her that it wasn't her fault and she didn't do it. Now the kids are sitting in the wet grass (it's still raining) and I see my neighbor driving by. So I yell at him and he stops. He gets out of his van and walks to us. As he is walking toward me I notice a guy hanging out his window trying to get my attention, so I look at him and he says, "I called 9-1-1 for you." I am telling him thank you when the guy behind him starts to honk and I yell, "F*CK YOU!" as I fly the bird in his direction. Then I gather my senses and realize that the kids are still sitting at my feet. BAD Mommy! The kids go sit in his van and the firefighters are here by the time I turn around. I'm not sure how long it's been by this time, but in my mind it was really just a matter of seconds. The firefighters talk to the kids about their owies and then to me about mine. Then the greasy, smelly, drunk Mexican stumbles over my way saying "Your problem." I looked at him with the meanest face I've ever felt myself make and said, "Not my problem, your problem!" Then he patted me on the head. I swung my arm up and smacked his hand away and said "Don't touch me!" A firefighter laughed and took him away. Then the ambulance got there and a firefighter carried Little Boy into it. I climbed in behind them carrying Little Girl, who seemed to be fine. One of the EMT's brought the kids' toy bags to me and I knew the camera was in one of them. At this point I decided I would take some pictures (to post later of course) and then I find that the batteries got thrown from the camera during the crash. WWWWRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was the last straw!!! Now I must have BLOOD! The EMT offered batteries to me, but he only had two and I needed three. (By the way, EMTs, firemen, policemen...I love them. They all made me feel like my kids and I were the only people on the face of the earth and that they genuinely cared for us.) Next, Dad showed up (because at some point between dragging the kids out and shouting profanity at strangers I called Mom and she was further out than Dad so he showed up first). The fire and police men started to talk to me about what had happened and where I wanted the car towed. My mind started flying around and I felt completely overwhelmed so I looked at Dad and told him that I just needed him to handle it. "I don't care what happens to the car or how much it costs, I just can't think about it right now. I need to get Little Boy to the hospital." Mom got there and took Little Girl with her (followed the ambulance to the hospital). During the ambulance ride Little Boy fell asleep and I called a friend to have her pray with me. It felt really good to pray with someone, then she let me know that she would meet us in the ER. There must be a side to the ER that I do not know because everyone and their dogs were there. It must just be "the place to be" on a Saturday night. Sigh. That was sad and discouraging. However, they got us "in" quickly. I guess kids that have been in a car accident really are an emergency. The night went on slowly. Little Boy was admitted first. blah blah blah boring stuff....After a while the nurse told me that Little Boy would need an I.V. SIDE TRACK... I don't do well with needles. The worst part of childbirth with both of my kids was the I.V. I was a little freaked out by this. Back to the story... So, he's exhausted and crying and saying that he doesn't want them to poke him with a needle. It was very hard to do this without Daddyman. Doodoo (Dad) was there but it just isn't the same as having Daddyman. After lots of fighting and screaming they hook him up to some fluids and a little while later inform us that if he doesn't pee by x amount of fluids they with have to use a catheter. I only thought I was freaked out before. This about made me puke. Friend and Mom were in the ER waiting room with Little Girl so I went out there to check up on her and ask them to pray with me again. We just prayed that God would help him to pee. Silly, I know, but you gotta do what you gotta do. While we were waiting for him to pee I asked Mom to go ahead and get Little Girl checked in so they could at least check her over and make sure nothing was wrong. So, long night goes on and Little Girl is fine, but Little Boy still has not peed and our time is up. The nurse was going to get the catheter equipment.
I decided to get him out of bed again (he had been sleeping off and on all night) and as I got him up I told him that this is just like when he falls asleep in the car. “I am going to put you in front of the potty and you need to pee before you can get to bed, so you don’t wet the bed.” He was mostly asleep and started to pee in the little jug thing that they needed him to pee in. We were all laughing and praising God. I’ve never seen so many people so happy to see a little boy pee! While he was peeing the nurse walked in the door with the equipment and said, “Oh good, we really didn’t want to do this.” So after he and I both got our x-rays done and he got a CT scan we waited around for a couple more hours (I think) and found out that we are all fine and are just going to be sore for a few days. So we bundled up and went home and lived happily ever after. (and that was the short version)