The PINK Commander!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Can you help me take my stress off?

Little Girl said that today. Of course she was talking about her dress but I thought it was ironic. We're all a little stressed right now.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Today I am thankful for my abilties.

Yesterday. We (my cousin and I) started getting Little Girl's room ready for painting. We took down all of the old border, moved everything out, packed up and put away all the stuff that's too small, including toys. We even started pulling down wall paper in Little Boy's room. Good day, or so I thought. Then her grandparents called us. They are super sweet people that would do anything for everyone, so I'm kind of glad when they tell me that they need a favor, I love these people. This is true love. They asked me to go get their dog, yes the four legged, smelly, hairy, mammal kind of dog. (In case you don't know me well...I HATE dogs!) So I tell them it's no problem and I'd be happy to do it for them, which I am happy to help them out, but with a dog! Yuck! Anyway, we take the stupid little thing to the vet because he's been coughing. I think we're just going to get to drop it off, but oh no, we have to stay and answer some questions. This is a truly disturbing place. In the corner of the lobby there is a cage with four tiny kittens (my children are both smitten), and every single person that walked my them muttered in a squishy baby voice "I would take you home if I could, yes I would." Blahck! There were people there holding their animals and talking to them and, get this, kissing them, on the mouth! Aaarrggghhh. Disgusting. Do these people know what else these dogs lick with those mouths? I'm assuming they do because they seem to spend many cherished hours with their pets, and yet they snuggle and smooch all over them still. Needless to say, I was extremely relieved to get out of that looney bin. We had to take the dog home and give it some medicine, again with the yuck. I actually had to touch the thing's mouth. Shudder. We finally get to leave the thing at it's house and by now I'm starving. So I go to one of my new favorite Mexican restaurants that is right around the corner from the ball game we'll be going to later. We pull up, get out, yank on the door and realize that it's closed. All the electricity on the block is out. Waahhh. I really love Mexican food and I really needed some. We drive around the corner and go to Taco Cabana (I had never been there and I loved it). Then we went to Lowes and picked up an inch thick stack of paint samples, nice. Then we were off to the ball game. First, I'm trying to meet my sister and we walk all the way to the end of the stadium because she's behind third base but we can't find her. So I call her cell phone only to find that she knows less about baseball than me (Girly Girl!) and that she is behind first base. We walk all the way back around and on our way we run into me mean old Uncle. Not who I wanted to see. They wanted to come sit with us, yippee! So I throw a little hissy fit on the side and then smile and have a friendly conversation. Later I ran into a friend from church (that was nice), she was smoking and I really wanted to be but I don't do that very often and never in front of my kids, so I was very envious and that's all I've been able to think about ever since. Finally, after a few songs and snacks Little Boy and I decide we're done and want to go home so we all say our goodbyes and head to the car. It gets guessed it, another flat tire. @*$&#^%$*%@ I called AAA again and give precise directions (using words like south and east) to where I am and they can't find me. They are in the wrong parking lot. About 20 minutes later (an hour after I called) the truck finds me. This guy doesn't know how to change the tire either (in the stow n' go vans the spare is in a different place than other vans), but he figures it out and we finally left. Oh what a night!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

New picture

I actually started this blog before my man came home to visit so it's a little outdated, but still relevant.

My profile picture is of Nemesis, the Greek goddess of retributive justice. Yes, I'm feeling a little like watching Punisher tonight. Today my mom told me that my Uncle has been talking trash about me to the family. I babysat his 2 kids (my cousins) for 3 years. He paid me. I had a little in-home daycare. It was all fine and great for a long time but I was beginning to get a little burnt out. When we found out that my man might be going away I told my Uncle that I would probably end up taking a week or so off to spend some time with my little family relaxing, and he freaked out and yelled at me about how his kids are my responsibility and I can't just take time off and leave him hanging blah blah blah. He didn't even give me time to tell him that I had already made arrangements with Grandma and she would be happy to keep them for us. I should have just quit that night. I should have just said "Screw you you selfish SOB! My husband is going to be gone for 18 months and I want to spend some time with him first. I quit!" But I didn't. I got upset and then blew it off and came back from vacation with my family and started back to work. Then I decided that I really couldn't keep doing the daycare thing without my man coming home in the evening to relieve some of the burden. So after I called several local daycares and made a list of costs for the ones that had openings I told my uncle that I would not be his daycare anymore and he would need to find someone else, and I gave him the information. The next day he asked if I would keep the kids until after spring break to which I said "No, I would like to have my spring break (the week before theirs) and Little Boy's spring break off to have some fun and these other daycares can enroll them and start as soon as tomorrow." That still gave him 2 weeks to get his shit together and get them enrolled somewhere else. I guess that wasn't good enough though. He's been telling people that I left him high and dry and that I'm irresponsible blah blah blah. That pretty much pisses me off. What a selfish jerk! Okay, I'm done now.

Update... I'm over it. I still think he's a jerk but I'm not going to be mad about it anymore. Now I'm mad at the government. heeheehee

The show must go on!

Well, he's gone now. He was home for 9 days and now he's gone again. He won't be back for at least 13 months. He will miss Little Girl's first year of school, 4th and 5th b-day, Little Boy's K5 year, 6th and probably 7th b-day. He'll miss our 7th and 8th anniversaries, not to mention holidays and my birthdays and the everyday nonsense and comedy of life with our children. We will miss him.

I've been doing a little bit of cleaning up (after the endless party week we've had) and a little moping. The kids are back to their insane selves. Little Boy was trying to cheer me and Mamoo up last night. He was pretty funny. At one point he told me that I had water leaking out of my eyes. I think he was worried about that. I guess he's never seen himself leak water before. Little Girl started acting crazy the night before Daddyman left. She hasn't stopped yet, I don't think she will for another 6 weeks or so. Anyway, I've been at home all day. Paying bills and balancing the checkbook mostly. I finally decided to get dressed and go out somewhere about 3:00. So I get showered and dressed (make-up and nail polish) and get the kids ready to go. We head outside, load into the van, start the van...and the low tire pressure bell goes off. So I get out to see if I can at least drive to QT to air it up, nope, it's completely flat. We're not going anywhere. Waaahhhhh. So, now I am waiting for the AAA guy to get here and fix the tire while I blog about the misery. I don't want to stay home. The kids are going to Mamoo's and I'm going to have dinner with some friends. The show must go on.

Update: THe AAA guy showed up and doesn't know how to change my tire. There are so many curse words flying through my head right now I don't know how I could get them all out. How the hell do you become a AAA guy with a big tow truck and not know how to get a spare tire out from under a van and change the damn thing?!