The PINK Commander!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Marshmallow Lovemore

A long time ago I helped a guy come up with an idea for some shirts. He wanted his girls to have shirts that promoted kindness instead of snottiness. He was tired of seeing little girls run around in shirts that said things like "You're Stupid." So, he came up with some ideas and I came up with some ideas and this is the final result. I think they turned out so cool!

Monday, July 24, 2006


I spent the evening at Grammy's again. I still love it there. It's like going to a spa every time. I forget about the miserable rotten day I've just had and remember how blessed I am. More on this later.

P.S. Grammy, if you want me to, I'll take this off. I don't usually put pics of people up, but I like this one.

Happy summer!

These are all vegetables that I grew in my own backyard. They make me very happy!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Must read about clutch dumping!

This is a link to another blog of mine. I've tried to keep it secret so I don't hurt anyones feelings, but I don't really care about that now. So today I cannot get any pictures to download with blogger and this story cannot be told without the pictures.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Oh what a beautiful morning...not!

Little Girl crawled in bed with me last night/early this morning like she always does. No big deal, except at about 5am she says, "Mommy I threw up." So I get up and clean it up just in time for her to do it again in the floor. So I clean her up and put her back in my clean bed, clean the floor up and crawl back in bed with her. A few minutes after I reach the drifting back to sleep stage she blows chunks all over the place. It was literally projectile vomit. She puked all the was across a full size bed to the other side of it onto the floor and window sill. So, I strip her down, put her in the shower and proceed to clean everything up. It took me a while. I think it was about 6:30 by this time. I just left her in the shower the whole time I was stripping the bed and cleaning the floor and window, I figured she can puke in there and it doesn't matter. (Can you smell it yet?) Just as I'm getting her out of the shower and into pajamas, Little Boy comes into the bathroom without pants on and says he's peed his bed. That is unbelievable because this kid has NEVER peed his bed. So I finish getting Little Girl back to bed (her bed this time, it's smaller and easier to clean), then I clean up Little Boy and his bed and decide that I can't go back to sleep. What a way to start the day! I have to say though that I stayed very calm and sweet the entire time, that's pretty amazing for me. I just knew that it wasn't their fault and they couldn't clean it up themselves. It sucked. I've never had to do anything like that without Daddyman. Crazy, I know. There have actually been times when I didn't even know they were sick until the next morning when he told me that he had done all the laundry from the kids throwing up last night. He's so wonderful! How many husbands out there would have just rolled over and pretended they didn't know anything until their wife got up and took care of it? I miss him a lot.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Waahhhh...(I wish)

I miss Daddyman. I am really crabby. I just miss him so much. The kids are driving me crazy already this morning. We've only been awake for an hour and I am already sick of their whining and fighting. I miss him. I miss having him here to help break it up or just to distract. I miss all the help and support I get from him. I am to a state now where I can't even cry anymore. In the shower this morning Little Girl came in about three different times with demands or negative reports of her brother and Little Boy came in a couple times spewing the same nails toward my ears. When they both left the bathroom for the last time I was so angry and annoyed and heart broken. But I couldn't cry. I really wanted to. It was a very convenient time to cry. I am tired (I was up until 3:30, partly because I went to see Pirates 2 at midnight), and angry. That is usually a beautiful recipe for tears. Maybe there is not enough on my plate right now, maybe I'm not stressed out enough to come to tears yet. Or maybe I've cried my last. That's it! My tears have all dried up. A couple of nights ago Sis and her husband, a cousin and his girlfriend were all going to take me out. It was my last night with a built-in babysitter. We were all going out about 9:30. That time rolled around and I hadn't heard from anyone so I called Sis and asked her if we were still going out and she reluctantly said yes. So I called the cousin and girlfriend to see what the plan was and they had forgotten it and were at her mom's house eating. So I called Sis back and told her we could just not go out and it wasn't a big deal (I knew she didn't really want to go). So we didn't go out. Again, I was heart broken and on the verge of crying but I couldn't. It's not like I can't understand that sometimes people forget and I'm not mad or anything, it's that I needed out of the house I had planned on it all day. When I got frustrated with the kids I thought, "At least I get to get out tonight." I got let down. It hurt and I was sad. I keep thinking that I know I just need to lean on the Lord so I won't be let down but I don't really know how to "lean" on Him. I pray and I praise Him passionately. I love Him and it is always overwhelming when I remember how deeply He loves me. I know He will bring me through this, but I am still sad and miserable. I also know that it's okay for me to be sad and miserable. But I don't want to be anymore. It sucks! A LOT! I feel like shit all the time and I'm sick of it. I don't know how to get myself out of that though. How do I just make myself be happy again?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I need help putting a new picture on my profile (I'm not feeling as vengeful as I was there for a while). Thanks!
He has a blog!!! Isn't he so cute!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's been a while.

I've been having a fun summer. Running around like a crazy person to my Mom's and Branson and I don't know where else. My cousin has been here for a month. That has been really nice. She's a lot of fun and a big help.

So, around June 6th we started painting Little Girl's room. So cute. Pink and brown and princess. It has taken longer than I thought it would and it's not done yet. Almost, but not quite. I still need to finish the chair rail and put down the quarter round. We pulled up ugly green carpet to reveal somewhat better wood floors. I want to do Little Boy's room next (it's only fair) but I am a little burned out. We'll see.

My Mom wants me to come visit her, often. I don't like to. She's lives in the country, WAY out in the country, on a ranch with animals. It's dirty, it stinks, the water tastes weird and they eat gravy with everything. I could tolerate all that but she has such strange expectations. Not only does she want me to come visit, she also wants me to like it. There is nothing for me to like. No shopping, nothing clean, nothing that smells nice. Her husband doesn't enjoy our visits either. He has never been so rude as to come out and say it, but he gets annoyed by the kids. You see, they always make a mess. No matter what room you put them in, if you give them toys they see how many rooms they can spread them throughout. THEY ARE KIDS. So that stresses me out because we're in his house and I can feel his frustration. So I'm constantly telling the kids to pick up, but they are playing. That's a stupid fight I wouldn't normally get myself into. They can play outside some but it is so dangerous that it stresses me out too. My mom wants to take them out on the 4-wheeler (they are 4 and 5 years old), and I am unreasonable and paranoid because I think it is dangerous for my small children to ride a 4-wheeler. They burn their trash in that part of the country so one is very likely to find a burning pile in a trash can or pit at any time. The wind is always blowing and they have heavy metal fences that blow in that wind. Now, let's add to that...Mom also wants me to feel and show some sort of affection for her husband (and his family). I don't know this man. I think he is good for her and I am happy for her, but he's cranky and picky and not very talkative or warm. He's not easy to talk with. He's 70 something years old. He has grandkids that are my age. He doesn't want to play with my kids (that is an automatic -10 points for any man). Anyway, he's fine, I really don't dislike him, but I also don't have the warm-fuzzies about him (I don't have the warm-fuzzies for many people at all). His mother (Grannie) lives with he and my mother. That is an entirely different story. My gripe for now is that my mom wants me to have warm-fuzzies for her too. I've met her twice. My mom gives Little Girl stuff that belonged to Grannie and she wants me to be all sentimental about it. Some of it is really neat fun stuff, but for me all it means is more stuff to pick up and a Little Boy that doesn't understand why he doesn't get anything. She says "That was Grannie's" like it's supposed to make us all break down in tears. Yuck! It drives me crazy. Here's the part I haven't even gotten to yet... I have issues with my Mom. I don't really know why. Our personalities completely clash, but there is something else. I can't put my finger on it. There is all the normal stuff like she embarrassed me when I was a kid and I still resent that, she divorced my dad but I can't really blame her (I love him but he's a jerk and I couldn't live with him), she yells a lot about everything. I could never talk to her about anything when I was a kid because talking to her meant one of two things: she's going to yell at me, or tomorrow all my aunts and grandmas are going to know this. I stopped talking to her about anything important to me when I was 12. When I "became a woman" I called her at work and told her that I needed her to bring something home (she had a hysterectomy a few years before so there was nothing in the house), and she whined, "Right now!?" The next day we (mom, g-ma, my sister and I) all went to the Olive Garden to "celebrate." Ever since then, I have not shared anything sacred to me with my mother. But can that really be the "thing" that remains lodged between us? I think my time is up. I'm sure I can't afford this session. I've been on here for an hour and a half. More later, I'm sure.

No, wait! I have to gripe about this too. This chick is always positive and supportive of her husband being in the military. I need to gripe partly because I'm just not there. I am still hurt and angry that he made the choice to "serve his country." I love him and I'm very proud of who he his; his character and faith are impressive to me. I do not understand why he NEEDS to be in the army. I am angry everyday. I know that it is only bad for me and my kids but I can't seem to get out of the funk. I am not angry with him. I feel nothing but love and adoration for him. I am angry about my circumstances and have chosen a take it out on the army/president. I know it's irrational, but it feels better, temporarily. I also need to gripe because I want to be "there" (where that chick is). I want to be happy with my career as a military wife. I want to be gung-ho and supportive. I want to look forward to going to ball games and having to video tape every second because if I don't Daddyman will never see it at all. Oops, there's that sarcasm again. I really do need to stop today.

Daddyman, I love you so much and I am so proud of you and proud to be your wife. I can't wait to be with you again and to share every ridiculous moment of life with you. SMOOCH.

P.S. Today I am thankful for my Dads. Both of them (mine and Daddyman's dads) are in the backyard slaving away to build a playground for their grandkids.

Monday, July 03, 2006


You scored as Maximus. After his family was murdered by the evil emperor Commodus, the great Roman general Maximus went into hiding to avoid Commodus's assassins. He became a gladiator, hoping to dominate the colosseum in order to one day get the chance of killing Commodus. Maximus is valiant, courageous, and dedicated. He wants nothing more than the chance to avenge his family, but his temper often gets the better of him.



James Bond, Agent 007


Batman, the Dark Knight


Captain Jack Sparrow


Lara Croft


El Zorro


William Wallace


Indiana Jones


The Amazing Spider-Man


Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
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